I'm a recently retired professional consultant, born and raised in Washington State, USA but connected to Switzerland by family heritage. I'm also a lifelong musician, a jazz bassist that gigs semi-pro throughout the greater Seattle area and up and down the I-5 corridor. I'm interested in Bern for its music scene and plan to visit at some point not too distant Other interests include farming, cooking, walking, a little fishing now and then. I look forward to more travel and my "second life".
Someone I can relate to age-wise with an open and outward view on life, who might be involved in music at least as an avid interest. I have had close 1:1 friendships with girls/women since an early age and don't mind a bit of "tomboy" attitude. Egalitarianism and mutual respect, along with caring and consideration. are valuable ingredients. Friendship can develop into something deeper under the right circumstances.